“Supporting the English-speaking community in West Quebec”


Join us - there is a seat at our table!

Publié 2024-09-17

RAWQ Board 2024


Are you a West Quebec resident who wants to make a difference in your community? Enjoy collaborating? Passionate about supporting the English-speaking community?

If so, become a board member for the Regional Association of West Quebecers (RAWQ).


Interested? Send us an email at info@westquebecers.ca 

Gatineau Anglophone Writer's Group

Publié 2024-01-24



An English language group in partnership with the Regional Association of West Quebecers

The Gatineau Anglophone Writers’ Group is rooted in the belief that literature is vital to sustaining a vibrant culture, specifically the English-speaking community of West Quebec.

i.         fostering the development of writers in their chosen discipline and/or genre.

ii.         creating a positive interaction with other writers.

iii.         creating an environment in which one’s writing can be heard and appreciated.

iv.         inspiring, giving and gaining confidence, and further improving writing through peer evaluations and encouragement.

v.         making writing fun.

Trivia Night

Publié 2024-01-05

Join us for a night of trivia and fun!

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Trivia Night


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Building Bridges - Information Night


Trivia Night


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